const { ByteArray } = require('../ByteArray');
const { Hash256 } = require('../CryptoTypes');
const BasicNetwork = require('../Network').Network;
const base32 = require('../utils/base32');
const { sha3_256 } = require('js-sha3');
* Represents a Symbol address.
class Address extends ByteArray {
static SIZE = 24;
* Creates a Symbol address.
* @param {Uint8Array|string|Address} address Input string, byte array or address.
constructor(address) {
let rawBytes = address;
if ('string' === typeof address)
rawBytes = base32.decode(`${address}A`).slice(0, -1);
else if (address instanceof Address)
rawBytes = address.bytes;
super(Address.SIZE, rawBytes);
* Returns string representation of this object.
* @returns {string} String representation of this object
toString() {
return base32.encode(new Uint8Array([...this.bytes, 0])).slice(0, -1);
* Represents a Symbol network.
class Network extends BasicNetwork {
* Creates a new network with the specified name, identifier byte and generation hash seed.
* @param {string} name Network name.
* @param {number} identifier Network identifier byte.
* @param {Hash256} generationHashSeed Network generation hash seed.
constructor(name, identifier, generationHashSeed = undefined) {
() => sha3_256.create(),
(addressWithoutChecksum, checksum) => new Address(new Uint8Array([...addressWithoutChecksum, ...checksum.subarray(0, 3)]))
this.generationHashSeed = generationHashSeed;
Network.MAINNET = new Network('mainnet', 0x68, new Hash256('57F7DA205008026C776CB6AED843393F04CD458E0AA2D9F1D5F31A402072B2D6'));
Network.TESTNET = new Network('testnet', 0x98, new Hash256('7FCCD304802016BEBBCD342A332F91FF1F3BB5E902988B352697BE245F48E836'));
Network.NETWORKS = [Network.MAINNET, Network.TESTNET];
module.exports = { Address, Network };